set term gif set xlabel "N" set ylabel "S(N)" set title "Taylor expansion for e^2" set output "plot2.gif" plot [x=0:30] [0:10] "plot2.txt" using 1:2 title "S", '' using 1:3 title "Fractional Error" with lines set title "Taylor expansion for e^10" set output "plot10.gif" plot [x=0:30] [0:25000] "plot10.txt" using 1:2 title "S", '' using 1:3 title "Fractional Error" with lines set title "Taylor expansion for e^-2" set output "plotneg2fixed.gif" plot [x=0:30] [0:0.4] "plotneg2.txt" using 1:2 title "S", '' using 1:3 title "Fractional Error" with lines set title "Taylor expansion for e^-10" set output "plotneg10fixed.gif" plot [x=0:30] [0:0.1] "plotneg10.txt" using 1:2 title "S", '' using 1:3 title "Fractional Error" with lines set title "Fractional Error of Taylor Expansion for e^2" set output "plot2err.gif" set ylabel "Fractional Error (log scale)" plot [x=0:30] [-40:0] "plot2.txt" using 1:(log($3)) title "ln((S-e^x)/e^x)" set title "Fractional Error of Taylor Expansion for e^10" set output "plot10err.gif" set ylabel "Fractional Error (log scale)" plot [x=0:30] [-20:1] "plot10.txt" using 1:(log($3)) title "ln((S-e^x)/e^x)" set title "Fractional Error of Taylor Expansion for e^-2" set output "plotneg2errfixed.gif" set ylabel "Fractional Error (log scale)" plot [x=0:30] [-40:10] "plotneg2.txt" using 1:(log($3)) title "ln((S-e^x)/e^x)" set title "Fractional Error of Taylor Expansion for e^-10" set output "plotneg10errfixed.gif" set ylabel "Fractional Error (log scale)" plot [x=0:30] [-20:10] "plotneg10.txt" using 1:(log($3)) title "ln((S-e^x)/e^x)"